Lineage: ChemDawg 4 x GSC
Breeder: Mamiko Seeds (hunted by Skunk Master Flex)

With one of the loudest profiles in the garden and a convoluted origin story, GMO has taken the cannabis world by storm. This award-winning strain was originally hunted by Skunk Master Flex from a pack of Mamiko Seeds labeled simply “Chem D x GSC.” This indica-dominant genetic masterpiece truly represents the best of both parents. Contrary to popular belief, GMO does not stand for “Garlic, Mushroom, Onions,” although it is an easy mistake to make because it reeks of a gassy blend of garlic and onions. GMO actually stands for “Genetically Modified Organism,” not because it was actually genetically modified, but because its unbelievable vigor seems to defy natural law.